Friday, 7 September 2012

Create Multiple Desktops in Windows with Dexpot Virtual Desktop Software

We use computers for different purposes and for every purpose, we have applications (or software) in Windows. Whether we want to play music or to surf web, we need to open multiple applications. With lot many applications running at the same time, sometime we find it difficult to keep track of important worksheet that was open somewhere. We click on “show desktop” button on taskbar to minimize all open applications or window but it is difficult to open the required worksheet from taskbar because of so many icons of running applications. If you are facing this kind of problem in day-to-day life on your Windows PC, you should try virtual desktops which can be created for free. Earlier we shared information about free virtual CD/DVD drives which can run CD/DVD images without engaging the physical drive, and here is the virtual desktop which can help you split your workload on multiple areas on computer to let you focus on one type of work at one time.
Virtual desktop is a separate desktop (not monitor but separate area inside Windows) on same computer with ability to open and run applications. They look same as the normal desktop but you can open different applications in different desktop and swap them to handle all type of work without worrying about the taskbar and desktop load. For example, if you are having four different desktops on same computer then you can open music related applications on one desktop, Internet related applications like browser on second desktop, testing new software on third one and open important documents on fourth one. It is like having four different monitors connected with same CPU but as we are talking about software, so you don’t have to purchase extra monitor to get extra desktop.
Dexpot is a free virtual desktop software to create up to 20 virtual desktop on single Windows PC. Each desktop can open and run different applications without interfering each other. That means the running application will be visible on its own desktop only. You can swap between the virtual desktops with keyboard shortcut like Alt + (desktop number). For example, if you want to see the desktop 3, then hit Alt+3 on your keyboard or you can create own hotkey as well.
There are few more options to make your life easy while working on your computer. You can preview all desktops at once by clicking the “Full-screen Preview” option available in menu. To get the menu, right-click on the system tray icon of Dexpot or you can set option to get Full-screen preview on left-click on settings panel of this application.
This way you can create multiple virtual desktops on single Windows computer. Dexpot is free for private or personal use.


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